Beautiful piece 💖 I’ve always loved working with Yarrow, but I haven’t ever connected with Mugwort … time to go on a herb adventure 🤩

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Aug 5·edited Aug 5Liked by Jan Elisabeth

Lovely, all of it. Thank you, Jan. 🪻

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Thank you Jennifer :)

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Such timely information about a special herb. Mugwort is something I'll be using as soon as I can get some. My issue (strange wording?) is that I went through menopause 20 years ago. I am now 75. But after 2 open heart surgeries, one week on life support and then needing chemotherapy (which I refused after the second treatment) for colon cancer/surgery (whew) I now have hot flashes/sweats fiercely. I suspect it is the affects if chemo. I'll let you know my results. Thank you so much for your information!

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Do keep in touch Melissa. Yes this sounds like chemo -- as long as you don't have reflux, chamomile and peppermint can help with any nausea or digestive issues after chemo and also with inflammation and withania (ashwaganda) can also be really supportive. I have to say I can't prescribe online but the herbs are amazing allies and it would be worht seeking out a good local herbalist xx

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Thanks so much Jan. The chemo treatments were in Sept 2022. The after affects lasted much longer, still on going. Among other things, the hot flashes started around beginning of 2023. And still with me. Medical community wants to prescribe chemical meds, that I am obviously too sensitive to take. So your article really spoke to me. Thank you for your concern. 😊

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Wow I love this so much. I wish there were a little magical tea and herb shop where I could get your tea blends and hang out with the herbs and write in my journal. :)

So very much love to you and your daughter and your family. I'm wishing you all to feel safe and happy and well. xox

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Thank you so much Nikki -- ooh I want to be run that tea shop -- Alchemical teas :) xxx

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